
  • Anniversary Issue. Journal of Praxis in Higher Education
    Vol. 6 No. 5 (2024)

    Our first issue, JPHE, Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019), was published five years ago. Already over a year ago we decided to mark the occasion with an anniversary issue. This has made me (Petra Angervall) think. When does a journal start to ’exist’? You could say that it is appropriate to celebrate five years of publication, but the question remains: what is the starting point of a journal? Is it when someone hatches the idea, the team is gathered for the first time, or the website is set up? As one of the original members, I could just as well say that we are celebrating six years of existence. Irrespective of what year we are celebrating, the team would like to take the opportunity to look back and see what we have accomplished. 

  • Journal of Praxis in Higher Education
    Vol. 6 No. 4 (2024)

    For centuries the role of academia, at least in normative terms, has been to create and disseminate knowledge, foster critical thinking and prepare its students and future scholars for the rigors of intellectual challenges of the world. Many share the hope that universities will strive to contribute to a better world, both for the current and future generations. Yet, societal changes due to technological innovations such as the various forms and developemnts of artificial intelligence, and the recent global health crisis, have impacted the realm of higher education.
  • Special Issue: Critiquing the Sacred and Profane in Higher Education
    Vol. 6 No. 3 (2024)

    This special issue focuses on the dichotomy of the sacred and profane within higher education. It explores how these terms serve as conceptual lenses for the critical examination of the evolution of discourses, practices, and their foundational values. By employing the metaphors of ‘sacred’ and ‘profane’ to present these fluctuating values and power relations, the contributions in this collection challenge readers to contemplate the intricate fabric of higher education and to examine the symbolic and transformative forces that contour its landscape.

  • What is academic citizenship?
    Vol. 6 No. 2 (2024)

    What is academic citizenship? Through a collection of 17 original research essays, this special issue invites the reader into an ongoing conversation engaging different standpoints, scales, and interests. It discusses the role of the academic citizen, the conditions defining this role and potential futures, including the purpose of academic citizenship in charting the course forward.

    Guest Editors: Jakob Egholm Feldt, Serge P. J. M. Horbach, Søren S. E. Bengtsen, and Laura Louise Sarauw

  • Journal of Praxis in Higher Education
    Vol. 6 No. 1 (2024)

    This issue features a range of different, interesting contributions, including four original research articles, and an editorial elaborating the aims for our Notes from the field section. As the editorial states, "our hope has always been to offer an evolving, multifaceted, highly creative, open-access, unconventional, free, internet-based alternative to conventional, commercially driven publications produced by large, international publishing houses". The issue aptly reflects this ambition.

  • From a praxis perspective. Being and becoming a doctoral supervisor (JPHE Special Issue)
    Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023)

    This special issue brings together a unique collection of papers on doctoral supervision, including work from researchers both outside the pedagogy discipline as well as those centred within it. The contributions include research on factors that contribute to supervisor stress, professional learning programs for supervisors, advising ancestry, gender and power in supervision, and the formation of supervisors more generally.
  • Journal of Praxis in Higher Education
    Vol. 5 No. 1 (2023)

    Since Journal of Praxis in Higher Education’s first issue in 2019, our journal team has worked hard to share, discuss, and spread our agenda. In doing so, we have tried to expand our interests, but also work on our internal journal identity. When asked about our scope and aim, we usually say that we want to create and maintain a journal that is independent, alternative, fresh, and highly relevant. We argue that we want a journal that is less ranking-obedient, but certainly critical and creative with high quality publications. Indeed, we even convey our preference for a slower pace over the potential constraints of being embedded in large publishing houses and external funding. In short, we say that our journal strives to be different in terms of what we see and understand as common praxis.

  • Journal of Praxis in Higher Education
    Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022)

    Diversity, equality, and inclusion are core values within higher education, but what do these values represent when students’ and scholars’ practices are enacted within what Barnett (2000) defines as a world that is “supercomplex” in its character? This issue includes four exiting papers and one book review that highlight some of these values, practices and enactments.
  • Journal of Praxis in Higher education
    Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022)

    In the opening line of the first issue of JPHE in 2019, the editorial team posed the following pertinent and critically reflective question: ‘Does the higher education research community really need another research journal?’ (The Editorial Team, 2019, p. 1). In their editorial, they provide a well-argued case for answering this question in the affirmative. The journal’s policy statement also makes a good case as to why JPHE is distinctive defining education as ‘a moral and political activity’ and emphasising the way in which ‘the journal is committed to research aimed at the transformation of existing practices and conditions in higher education.’ (JPHE, 2022, para. 1).
  • From ‘intercultural-washing’ to meaningful intercultural education: Revisiting higher education practice (Special issue)
    Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021)


    From ‘intercultural-washing’ to meaningful intercultural education: Revisiting higher education practice (pp. 1-16)
    By Mélodine Sommier, Malgorzata Lahti, and Anssi Roiha

    This is the first special issue that JPHE hosts—and could there be a more suitable forum for an issue dedicated to exploring and encouraging a critical dialogue around transformative intercultural communication teaching practices in higher education (HE)? What has led us to engage with the theme of making intercultural education meaningful is a shared observation that there seems to be an increasing disconnect between recent developments in intercultural communication theory and practice. With so much critique published over the years, we are perplexed as to why traditional notions of culture still prevail not only in mainstream intercultural communication research but also in institutional discourses in HE ... 


  • Journal of Praxis in Higher Education
    Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021)

    This is JPHE, 3(1), 2021

    Readers, Authors, Reviewers and Editorial Board Members, on behalf of the Editorial Team of JPHE, I am delighted to share JPHE’s fourth issue with you.

    This issue is the result of a particularly hectic but also a creative period of time in which the journal has developed significantly. It is also an issue that can no longer hide behind beginner’s luck. From that point of view, it is time for me, as Editor-in-Chief, to share some of my thoughts on where this journal is now situated and where it is heading.

  • Journal of Praxis in Higher Education
    Vol. 2 No. 2 (2020)

    and must be-ing in higher education

    In developing a new academic journal, our core intention, as mentioned in previous editorials, has been to generate, disseminate, and promote the interrogation of knowledge and scientific and/or philosophical investigation of higher education. This is our way of promoting the important and critical task of sustaining higher education, and indeed higher education research, as maybe-ing arenas’. By this, we mean sustaining spaces of possibility; of pushing at the boundaries not only of what IS, but also of what is thinkable, knowable, and doable; of imagining how things can be otherwise.



  • Journal of Praxis in Higher Education
    Vol. 2 No. 1 (2020)

    The historical potential of flux in this unique moment. Conceptually highlighting an opportunity for praxis-driven change.

    The second edition of a new journal is sometimes the toughest. The honeymoon excitement and energy of launching a brand new journal evaporates, and the journal is no longer new. It also does not help if you are trying to put together a second issue at the end of a semester and academic year, when many of us are in the middle of final exams, course assessment and thesis evaluations. And it really does not help if a global pandemic breaks out and turns higher education upside down... read more.

  • Journal of Praxis in Higher Education
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019)

    Another higher education journal: Really?

    Does the higher education research community really need another research journal? Have we not reached a saturation point, with numerous well-established, highly regarded journals, and continuous announcements about new journals appearing in our email inboxes? Why would any scholar consider becoming involved in yet another review, special issue, or especially another ‘most recent APA update’? What could possibly be gained from aiming for the introduction of another international, higher education research journal?