Suggest a special issue

JPHE Special Issues – General Guidelines

JPHE includes special issues dedicated to particular themes or topics in order to promote focussed scholarly discussion and new lines of research on important issues and questions related to praxis in higher education.

JPHE aims to have one Special Issue (SI) per year. This can include

  • open special issues, involving an open Call for Papers, and/or open Call for Guest Editors, on a particular issue;
  • invited special issues, where (a) contributors and/or Guest Editors are invited by the Editorial Team; or (b) Guest Editors include invited researchers as part of their SI proposal.

We particularly welcome SIs that provoke thought and discussion, for example, by taking new and provocative angles on familiar or emerging issues, and/or by challenging dominant practices and views.

To submit a SI proposal, please download and complete the Special Issue Form. Submission details are included in the form. To be considered for publication in JPHE, the SI must fit within JPHE’s scope.

Depending on the kind of issue, and editorial experience of the Guest Editors, the review process for SIs may differ. This is a matter of negotiation between the Guest Editors and the Editorial Team. However, involvement of the Guest Editors in the review process is required.

All SIs will go through a double-blind peer-review process.

For queries about Special Issues, please contact JPHE’s Editor in Chief: .

The Editorial Team!