New Issue in JPHE
We have just published a new issue in JPHE, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2023.
This new issue includes highly relevant and interesting contributions that describe and challenge some of the most important aspects of higher education practices today. For example:
- In Kemmis’s Notes from the field, issues of a pedagogical praxis in the aftermaths of Covid-19 is problematised.
- Abraham and Angervall’s interview opens for new ways of understanding international higher education partnership programs.
- In Silander’s research article, she discusses gender equality measures and aspects of “neutrality” in Swedish Higher education.
- In Laalo, Koskinen, Stenholm and Siivonen’s research article, the concept of Entrepreneurial education in Finnish higher education is debated as a governing technology
- In the research article by Xu, Zhou, Penman and Ratz, the educator in the international classroom is discussed as an intercultural actor, more so than an expert.
- Nangimah and Walldén’s research article includes a comparison between undergraduate supervisor practices in Sweden and Indonesia.
We hope you enjoy reading and debating our new issue,
The JPHE team